Funding for RSOs through GPSA

The GPSA will allocate funds on an annual and semester basis to other Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) of Washington State University that will participate in the mission and goals of the GPSA by serving the interests of Members of GPSA.

If you have any questions about the process, funding, rubrics, then please contact the GPSA Vice President at

If your RSO is awarded GPSA funding, then please contact the Center for Student Organizations and Leadership (previously Student Involvement) at to spend your award.

See GPSA Purchasing Instructions for information on what the award can be spent on and the forms needed to submit purchasing requests. 

Eligibility and Purpose

To be eligible for RSO funding, an organization must be a Registered Student Organization (RSO) of Washington State University and the majority of its members must be Members of the GPSA.

Annual funding is intended to provide funding to RSOs that will plan and execute larger events that serve the graduate and professional students of WSU and foster connections with the WSU community.

Semester funding is intended to provide funding on a more flexible basis to RSOs that serve Members of GPSA in various capacities.

Funding Limits

Annual funding allocations have a minimum of $1,000 and a maximum of $2,500 for the academic year.

Semester funding allocations have no minimum and a maximum of $2,000 in total for both semesters. RSOs may receive semester funding allocations in any combination between two semesters as long as the total allocation is not more than $2,000.

No RSO may receive more than $2,500 in RSO funding within a single academic year.

RSO funds must be spent within the period for which they are allocated (academic year or semester). Any allocated funds not spend during that period will revert to the GPSA.

Please click here to see the GPSA Bylaws (Article VI, Sections 3 and 4) for more specific information.

Application Spring 2024

The Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) offers an Affiliate Fund for Registered Student Organizations (RSOs). GPSA will allocate funds on an annual and semester basis to RSOs that participate in the mission and goals of GPSA by serving its members. 

To be eligible for RSO funding, the majority (>50%) of its members must also be members of GPSA.

If you have any questions about the process, funding, or rubrics, please get in touch with the GPSA Vice President at

The application period is from October 11 at 11:55 a.m. to November 1 at 11:55 p.m.


RSO Affiliate Funding Report for Spring 2024 and annual fund 2023-2024

Organizations that receive RSO funding must submit a written report and documentation for all funds spent to the Budget Committee at the conclusion of the period for which the funds are allocated (academic year or semester).

Remember, an organization that fails to submit a report for RSO funding received at the end of their funding period will be ineligible for all RSO funding (both annual and semester funding) for the next semester.  

Submit Your Report

Deadline: January 14, 2024