Student Resources
GPSA works hard to bring new student resources and opportunities to help students flourish. Resources designed to support your physical, economic, social, emotional, and psychological well-being.

Financial Support
Discover funding resources to help you succeed at WSU. Opportunities include support for research, Registered Student Organizations, services, events, programming, and travel.

Help get the word out. Visit this page to learn about all the ways the GPSA can help promote and communicate your message.

Child Care Resources
In partnership with the WSU Children's Center, GPSA is developing resources to provide a safe and welcoming environment for children on campus.

Study Center
Learn more about the GPSA Student Center available at Holland and Terrell Libraries Ground Floor.

Mental Health Services
As graduate and professional students provide great value to Washington State University and our community, they are still human. Stress, anxiety, burnout, and other mental health concerns can still affect us, and it is important to recognize those who could support you. GPSA is here to provide links and various resources that may fit your needs.

Food Security Resources
College students need healthy food during the school day to ensure academic success. A Hunger-Free Campus cannot eliminate hunger – it is too complex for colleges alone to solve – but it does embrace comprehensive approaches to proactively protect food security on campus and maximize existing resources to reduce student hunger off campus.