Graduate and Professional Student Support at WSU


Our Mission

  • Advocate on behalf of graduate and professional students at the university, local, state, and federal levels to increase affordability and accessibility.
  • Provide academic, professional, and financial support services for graduate and professional students.
  • Facilitate interdisciplinary communication within the graduate and professional student community.

Branches and Committees

All students are encouraged to consider becoming a GPSA senator or Executive. These positions are a great opportunity to make a difference on campus. All GPSA members are free to participate in senate meetings, GPSA events, or volunteer for a University or GPSA committee (you do not have to be a senator or executive to participate).

GPSA Branches of Government

GPSA & WSU Committees

The Issues GPSA is Working to Address

The Graduate and Professional Association (GPSA) advocates for students at the university, state, and federal levels. Our Vice President of Legislative Affairs (VPLA) and Legislative Committee spearhead efforts to increase political awareness and engagement among students while lobbying administrators and legislators for a more affordable and accessible education experience for all graduate and professional students.